If you dream of being the same size you were in high school, don’t rush. Setting small, realistic goals are less painful and will get the scale moving in the right direction.

Begin by setting a goal of five to ten percent of your weight. Give yourself some flexibility to reach that goal, keeping in mind that it takes most people about six months to achieve that degree of weight loss. Rather than saying “I should eat less at dinner and exercise more,” set short-term (daily or weekly) goals. For example: Choose a few healthy dinner recipes and shop for the ingredients on Sunday. Take a healthy lunch from home to work or school at least three times a week. Call a friend to take a walk. Keep tempting foods out of the house (and out of sight).

Make breakfast work for you – Buy breakfast cereals that are low in sugar (less than 10 grams) and provide at least six grams of fiber per serving.

Try whole-grain or pumpernickel breads for toast; opt for trans-fat-free soft margarines or cholesterol-lowering spreads that contain plant stanols.

Eat more slowly and savor your food. Practice eating slowly by putting down your fork or sipping water, coffee, or tea between bites. Ideally, spend at least 20 minutes for each meal which may be more realistic during your midday or evening meal. Choose one to get started, setting a timer to check yourself.

Choose the habit that seems most reasonable for you and stick with it for at least a week. Once the habit becomes routine, add another, and then another. If you have any suggestion for an action you have taken to lose weight successfully, please share. Send to the Triad Retirement Resource Guide, PO Box 7344, Greensboro, 27417.