Are you at a point in your life where you are asking, “What’s next?” You have finished one chapter, and you have yet to write the next one.

Many seniors face these transitions at midlife, but they can happen to anyone at any stage. It’s a time of great potential, defining a whole new phase of life. It˙s called Life Reimagined, a new way of thinking about what’s next in your life.

Backed by years of research, Life Reimagined introduces a powerful step-by-step approach to help you discover possibilities, prepare for change, and make your ideas real, whether you’re focused on work, health, relationships, or finally pursuing your passion.

Helen Mack, a volunteer with AARP in North Carolina, is one of seven volunteers, the only one from North Carolina, chosen to lead “check-up” sessions across the country. Life Reimagined: Discovering Your New Life Possibilities by Richard Leider and Alan Webber is a recently published book that is the basis for the sessions.

“There are plans underway now to train more AARP volunteers as guides for this experience,” Helen says. She cites pioneers of the Life Reimagined movement like Jane Pauley, James Brown, and Emilio Estefan.