Chuck VestalChuck Vestal

By Chuck Vestal, Executive Director Piedmont Plus Senior Games and SilverArts

When Chuck Vestal was asked to direct Piedmont Plus Senior Games (PPS) and SilverArts, he quickly found that senior adults behave just like teenagers.” They cut up, love being active, and love to give you a hard time while regularly showing appreciation, even when things don’t go their way.”

If you’re 50 or “better,” there’s no finer way to stay active than to participate in the Piedmont Plus Senior Games and Silver Arts, a year-round wellness program in Winston-Salem.

It all begins early in the new year with a gala kickoff party. This year it’s scheduled on January 13 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Hanes Hosiery Rec Center. In April, the program culminates with athletic, art, craft, and performance competitions that draw hundreds of participants.

Hundreds of seniors will arrive early to sign up for one of the 38 athletic and skill events. There’s something for everyone, depending on interest and skill level, including the traditional track and field events, team sports (basketball and softball), and tests of skill such as football throwing and spin casting.

John Greco2016 North Carolina Senior Games Gold Medalist John Greco

Competitions are organized by gender and by age: 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, etc., on up to 90. Mixed pairs are allowed in select events, such as bowling, pickleball and tennis. Gold, silver and bronze medalists for each event qualify for the North Carolina Senior Games which will be held in Raleigh in September. Medal winners at the state games qualify for the national games held on even numbered years in various cities which vie to host them.

For seniors interested in the arts, Silver Arts offers an exceptional alternate. Competition in 32 categories include heritage, visual, performing and literary arts, painting, singing, needlecrafts and photography.

SilverArts - Garden Bugs
SilverArts runner ups, the “Garden Bugs”

Silver Arts participants also compete for medals, but Senior Game and Silver Arts offer much greater rewards for everyone who participates. The games and arts promote an active healthy lifestyle with fun, and fellowship!

For information, call me at 336-727-2325 or better yet, come out January 13 and see for yourself. I promise you will be glad you did.