David Haynes, CLTC, is an independent insurance broker specializing in long-term care insurance planning. Contact David at 336-314-1698 or david@haynesltc.com.
Written in 1927, this American spiritual * many have come to love over the years offers repetitive lines that seek to remind the listener that God is in control of all aspects of our life. We realize how short, fragile and unpredictable life can be in these uncertain times. What we learn can make a difference and what we do or not do can affect others we love. More people have commented to me on the need to plan and protect their futures than ever before.
I’ve heard from families over the years that are faced with important decisions about the care of a loved one. They simply didn’t see what the consequences could be until it was too late. “How about you?” Planning for an event may be in your thoughts and once it reveals itself, it takes center stage and a life of its own. I’m talking about an unexpected health care event that wakes families up to an unfortunate reality that a plan was not in place. Reacting is not a plan. It’s a missed opportunity.
Let’s face it, our world has changed due to an unseen situation and is making us revisit our financial priorities. One thing that hasn’t stopped is aging and with that comes health issues and personal care needs that come at a financial, physical, emotional, and a mental cost. Once it begins, it typically doesn’t slack up. A health event can change your entire outlook on how and where you want to receive care and just as importantly, how to pay for it. Home sweet home is sounding better than ever isn’t it? You can’t stock your shelves or line the cupboards with “what if’s” but you can obtain an option that will be there if and when it is needed to help compliment dealing with care. It’s Long Term Care Insurance.
A properly designed long term care insurance policy is a sound, financial planning tool that you should consider obtaining to protect against the high out of pocket cost of care. This policy provides options for families to manage the care instead of providing it. In these current financial times when your investment dollars and retirement plans are on your mind, relying on an insurance plan is one of the best purchases to help protect your portfolio and shift the risk. Let an advisor help insure yours. Don’t you think you deserve it?
* “He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands!” is a traditional African American Spiritual first published in 1927 that became an international pop hit in the late 1950’s in a recording by artist Laurie London.