David Haynes, CLTC, is an independent insurance broker specializing in long-term care insurance planning. Contact David at 336-314-1698 or david@haynesltc.com.
“Spring Has Sprung”
Spring marks a new seasonal beginning. It’s a time of packing up winter items and looking forward to better weather and outside events and possibly making impact changes in our lives. It can also be an opportunity of planning.
We need to plan for our tomorrows which may involve insurance protection planning that help us manage events that could otherwise have catastrophic financial consequences.
One form of insurance is called Long Term Care Planning. It’s a tool that most of us need to address but often unsure about. As we age, our bodies begin to require certain assistance for us to function. Long term care is assistance provided because of the inability to perform activities of daily living due to an illness, injury or progressive cognitive impairment. These events can happen to anyone at any age and at any time. You expect to live a long and happy, healthy life. An event that may occur could disrupt your future plans is not something that most of us will admit. If you have personally experienced a care event with a family member, you can relate to these thoughts.
Statistics are alarming about needing care either at home or in a facility setting. It comes a cost that most people are not often prepared for. The best source of dollars is an insurance policy that will protect your nest egg.
Most of my clients decide on a long term care policy well in advance before it is ever needed. If you are over age 50 now is the time to consider looking into a plan. Obtain a plan now and secure it’s protection later. Most of you reading this article do not need the “benefit” of care now, but simply need the “coverage”. Long term care policy benefits will come later when they are needed the most.
A long term care policy is designed to provide dollars for an event that statistically may occur in your lifetime. It provides dollars help your family manage your care and provide options that may not otherwise exist.
I’m honored to share each quarter in this guide ideas and tools for planning. Long term care planning involves action. Let’s face it, we hope to live a long healthy life. That hope may require us to plan today for that journey tomorrow. If you have read to this point and wondering if a long term care insurance plan is something to consider, then you are right. Let’s have a conversation! “Don’t hope for the best, Plan for it.”