Dr. Cheryl Greenberg, Ed.D., works as a coach, or guide, for seniors and their families as they consider and plan for changes in their personal and work lives. Contact her at theagecoach@gmail.com or 336-202-5669.
I love my grey hair. I don’t worry about people saying that I look old. Instead, I enjoy the time recovered from hairdresser appointments as I quickly run a comb through my hair to face the day.
I love my pink sneakers. I hid the standard white tie-ups in the back of the closet. Now, I strut through the local farmer’s market in my two-toned iridescent Chucks with “Grandmom Rules” printed on the heels.
And honestly, I love when someone says, “May I carry that bag for you?” I happily answer, “No, I’ve got it.”
The world has told us that getting older is about decline, weakness, modesty, and withdrawal.
Nope, getting older is whatever we want it to be, for as long as possible.
I Have Choices! Today, seniors make more choices about activities and schedules.
People 65+ years old account for the largest increase in employment in the United States (US Dept of Labor). Some folks need the income. Some want to use their skills, be productive, and mentor the younger workers coming up behind them.
Older adults volunteer at roughly the same rate as adults in all other age groups. We have wisdom, energy and time to contribute. In fact, older adults also have, as a group, more disposable income to contribute.
People 50+ provide 56% of unpaid care for family and friends (AARP/NAC).
They fill college and community classrooms learning new languages, trying out the arts, and adding to what they already know about science, history and literature. And they teach what they know.
So, when someone says to me, “I can help you with that math problem” or “I can find that for you on the Internet,” I say, “Thank you, but I have this.”
I Keep Doing! I am a life coach (a post-retirement job) and I keep learning (taking my first drawing class ever!). I am not afraid to accept help when I need it; but more often than not, I don’t need it.
I know that continuing to be competent means that I continue to be independent, happy, and satisfied. I am eager to be seen and engaged in the world. I am not afraid to share what I know, carry my own bags … and strut those pink shoes.
What Do You Love? How about you? What is there about being older that makes you smile, feel in charge of your life, and be seen in the world as a person others want to know?
Would you like to talk about new ways that you, or someone you are caring for, can stay active, healthy and loving who you and they are today? Contact Dr. Cheryl Greenberg at TheAgeCoach@gmail.com.