A recent Harvard University study that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine lists the five top foods that drive weight gain in the United States as potato chips, potatoes, soda, meats, and processed meats (i.e. bacon, hot dogs, etc).

Dr. Scott Lewis, a professional hypnotist and clinician, guides people in making dramatic changes to their eating habits. “People take drugs looking for miracles when they could be using hypnosis. It is one of the most underutilized and most effective ways to achieve greater control and success in problem areas of our lives.”

When Dr. Lewis found himself 41 pounds overweight, bingeing on chips, ice cream, and Dr. Pepper at night while watching TV, he used self-hypnosis to free himself from his specific food addictions. With his new book, The Hypnosis Treatment Option, he offers readers the skills necessary to achieve a healthier, slimmer future using what he calls “specific food addiction hypnosis” and other methods designed to change eating habits and behaviors.

A recent study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders proved that people who receive nutritional education along with specific food aversion hypnosis are five times more likely to lose weight than those who don’t receive hypnosis.

For more information, visit www.DrScottLewis.com.