Who should get a flu shot?

Everyone aged six months and over should get a flu vaccine; the only exception is for those allergic to the vaccine. It is especially important for anyone at a high risk for complications from the flu. (Consult your doctor if you fall into this group)

Will my doctor be notified if I get a flu shot at Walgreens so I can keep my medical records in one place?

We’re happy to send your doctor a copy of your immunization record. Just let us know.

Does Walgreens accept insurance for flu shots?

Yes. Walgreens accepts most insurance plans. If you have Medicare Part B, you’ll have no out-of-pocket cost.

After I get a flu shot, how long does it typically take to become fully protected?

The vaccine takes approximately two weeks to protect against prevalent flu strains.

Will a flu shot protect me from getting a cold?

According to the CDC, the flu vaccine does not protect against non-flu viruses that can cause colds and other respiratory illnesses.

Which influenza strains does this season’s flu vaccine provide protection against?

The 2014-2015 trivalent influenza vaccine is made from three viruses: an A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus; an A(H3N2) virus antigenically like the cell-propagated prototype virus A/Victoria/361/2011; a B/Massachusetts/2/2012-like virus.

The quadrivalent vaccines contains the above three viruses and a B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus.

Is this season’s flu shot the same as last season’s?

Yes, the vaccine remain the same as last season. It is crucial that everyone gets vaccinated every season as immunity wears off.

Is it possible to get vaccinated too early in the season?

No, the CDC recommends receiving a flu shot as soon as vaccine is available to ensure you are protected.

Why do I need a flu shot every season?

Flu viruses are constantly changing. It’s not unusual for new flu viruses to appear each season. The flu vaccine is formulated each season to keep up with the flu viruses as they change.

Walgreens provides more information regarding flu shots at www.walgreens.com.