Arts & Culture

Reynolda – A Legacy: Katharine Smith Reynolds

In October, nearly 100 Reynolds family members gathered in Winston-Salem from points around the world to celebrate the centennial of Reynolda House and the Golden Anniversary of its designation as the Museum of American Art. They found the country estate unchanged, almost in its original form, a phenomenal example of a small number of early twentieth century country houses still [...]

2017-12-14T15:33:48-05:00December 14th, 2017|Arts & Culture|

NCOAH Partners with UNC Press

A collection of more than 150 books about North Carolina’s history, people, and culture will be easier to find and purchase through a new partnership between the North Carolina Office of Archives and History and the University of North Carolina Press. The Office of Archives and History has been publishing books about North Carolina’s history, people and culture for more [...]

2017-11-07T19:59:26-05:00November 7th, 2017|Arts & Culture|

Artists Grants Available

The Artist Grants Program, funded by the N.C. Arts Council, provides the opportunity for regional consortia of local arts councils to award project grants to artists in their region. These grants support professional artists in any discipline and at any stage in their careers to pursue projects that advance their professional development. Types of fundable projects include: creation of new [...]

2017-10-19T20:41:25-04:00October 19th, 2017|Arts & Culture|

How a World War Revolutionized Medicine

Advances made during World War One, the “first mass killing of the 20th century”, are saving countless lives today. When the war broke out in France, in August 1914, transportng a wounded soldier from the battlefield to a hospital required a horse-drawn wagon with baskets on either side. Incapacitated soldiers were taken to a railway station, put in the straw [...]

2017-09-11T17:35:46-04:00September 11th, 2017|Arts & Culture|

The War to End All Wars

World War One….The Great War, the War to End All Wars…a bloody terrible war. Soldiers fought knee-deep in muddy trenches, lived with mice and lice for months on end, and endured the relentless volley of artillery and machine gun fire. More Americans died during the five months of combat in World War One than were lost in ten years of [...]

2017-09-11T17:34:36-04:00September 11th, 2017|Arts & Culture|

North Carolina and World War I

The North Carolina Museum of History has created a groundbreaking new exhibit, North Carolina and World War One, honoring the centennial of the state’s entry into the war in 1917. Believed to be the largest of its kind among state museums, the exhibit is open until January 2019 after drawing nearly 44,000 visitors in the first month. Museum curators and [...]

2017-09-11T17:32:52-04:00September 11th, 2017|Arts & Culture|

Looking for Wine to Enjoy During the Holidays? Try Port!

It’s the time for cozy fires, Christmas lights, Hanukkah menorahs and holiday cards. And if you happen to enjoy wine, it is also the time to open a nice bottle of port. Port has a snobby reputation as an after-dinner drink consumed by gentlemen in the parlors of their elegant residential estates. This is unfortunate because port is a wonderful [...]

2019-01-08T11:56:23-05:00September 11th, 2017|Arts & Culture, Wine & Beer|

NCSU’s Gregg Museum Reopens

On August 26, the Gregg Museum of Art & Design opened its doors at 1903 Hillsborough Street in Raleigh in sight of NC State’s revered Memorial Belltower. Too long a “hidden jewel” on the Raleigh campus, the Gregg is now open and accessible to everyone on campus and beyond, serving as a hub of art, discovery and learning...with free parking! [...]

2017-09-11T17:27:40-04:00September 11th, 2017|Arts & Culture|

Bob Timberlake: A Renaissance Man

Bob Timberlake is a Renaissance man, versatile like a modern day Leonardo de Vinci, performing brilliantly in several fields. He has been honored twice at the White House as Official Artist and official spokesman for Keep America Beautiful. Other awards range from the Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism to the state’s highest civilian honor, the Order of the Long Leaf [...]

2017-09-11T17:26:14-04:00September 11th, 2017|Arts & Culture|

Share Your Treasures by Writing

Al Perry, a former journalist, is the founder and past president of Winston-Salem Writers, a nonprofit group. Al leads writing workshops in the Triad and in the adult outreach program of Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina. He also is active in Second Spring Arts, a Winston-Salem organization celebrating the creative work of people age 60 and above. A graduate [...]

2017-09-11T17:13:19-04:00September 11th, 2017|Arts & Culture|
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