Teaming Up to Travel Again

Author of Teaming Up to Travel Again, is Weezie Glascock, an independent leisure travel consultant with 35 years in the travel business. She poses here in Rome with her daughter, Ginny Mabry, a travel agent and partner. I began my career in travel 35 years ago as a leisure travel planner at Lucas Travel. The year was 1979 and Lee [...]

2019-01-02T20:00:40-05:00November 13th, 2014|Travel|

Secrets for the Savvy Traveler

When to fly – Travel on off-peak days (Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday) and at off-peak times for lower fares, a less crowded cabin and a better chance of snagging an elusive mileage-award seat. Taking a long weekend? Fly Thursday – Sunday, Friday through Monday or best of all, Saturday – Tuesday. Air-travel booking sites (Expedia and Travelocity) may seem all [...]

2019-01-03T16:45:46-05:00November 13th, 2014|Recreation & Leisure, Travel|

On Traveling to Ancient Lands

Bill and Ann North view “the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome.” Bill and Ann North traveled extensively in the United States during their 43 years of marriage, but they had never visited Europe. That changed in September when they decided to travel to the Mediterranean, touring five countries and ten cities on a 17-day trip. [...]

2013-12-12T23:47:39-05:00December 12th, 2013|Travel|

An Intrepid Duo Travels Again

Charlie Nelson (left) and Clarence Whitefield  “Let’s go again!” That’s all Charlie Nelson said, but Clarence Whitefield knew immediately what his friend of more than 70 years meant. They had a blast when they hopped a military tanker plane to Europe in the 1970s. Nothing unusual about that except today Charlie, a resident of Croasdaile Village in Durham, is 93 [...]

2013-12-12T23:08:05-05:00December 12th, 2013|Travel|

Travel Saving Tips

Insider travel tips can save you money, time andaggravation. Here are a few: Save in Baggage Fees New baggage rules can add $100 or more to your ticket. Checking your luggage on line before you travel reduces the fee by $5 on some airlines… Or stick with two that do not charge: Southwest (two free bags) and Jet Blue (one [...]

2011-08-23T21:47:48-04:00August 23rd, 2011|Travel|

Most Popular Vacations for Active Seniors

By: Lisa Parker  Where is the active senior heading for vacation? The choices have never been more numerous. While there are many vacation destinations that only a few years ago were unheard of, other vacation spots have updated in order to become more attractive to seniors. Overall, seniors today are healthier and more active than ever before. Visiting new places [...]

2010-01-26T19:38:50-05:00January 26th, 2010|Travel|
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