A Parting Word – By David Ammons

David Ammons is president of Retirement Living Associates, Inc. (RLA), a company which provides planning, development, marketing, and management services for new and existing retirement communities. He has worked in and with Senior Living Communities since his graduation from Wake Forest University in 1985.

What is Intergenerational Senior Living?

More importantly, why have intergenerational living? I love this question because we have had, for 30-plus years, residents living side-by-side that are a generation apart. This concept of more than one or two generations living in a community is a growing question and consideration. Often solutions geared towards promoting Intergenerational [...]

2019-09-12T15:03:14-04:00March 21st, 2019|A Parting Word - By David Ammons|

Thinking about Choosing a Retirement Community?

I have been pondering the question of how one chooses a retirement community, so I started where, I am told, most folks start to look for a retirement community – the Google search engine. What I find interesting is that the search phrase “How to Choose a College” provided over 15.4 million results [...]

2019-09-12T15:08:52-04:00July 5th, 2018|A Parting Word - By David Ammons|

Neighbors Are Friends and Family

In this issue, Darden Coe, Springmoor’s Public Relations & Media and Relocation Transition Coordinator, shares an article she recently wrote for Springmoor Life Care Retirement Community, although I am confident this type of Friend and Neighbor exists in most retirement communities. FAMILY is a single word, with many different meanings. [...]

2019-09-12T15:11:54-04:00December 14th, 2017|A Parting Word - By David Ammons|

Variations in Retirement “Categories”

I have written in past articles about the categories of retirement living. In the broadest sense strokes, these include a continuum of living independently: Active Adult, Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, and Skilled Care. However, as many communities and providers offer new combinations and variations of these categories, [...]

2019-09-12T15:35:39-04:00September 11th, 2017|A Parting Word - By David Ammons|
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