Dr. Cheryl Greenberg

Dr. Cheryl Greenberg, Ed.D., works as a coach, or guide, for seniors and their families as they consider and plan for changes in their personal and work lives.

Is Leisure Enough?

As a life coach for seniors, I advise people to get their practical houses in order, with financial, legal, and even health checkups. However, I also advise people – strongly – to do a psychological and emotional checkup. Who will you be when you retire? What will you do when you retire? How will you keep your body and mind healthy? [...]

2022-08-19T14:07:48-04:00August 19th, 2022|Dr. Cheryl Greenberg, Wellness|

Aging In Place

In the last few years, studies found that about 90% of mature adults want to "age in place." They don’t want to leave their homes, they don’t see retirement communities or assisted living as desirable for themselves, and they are not eager to move in with their children. [...]

2022-08-17T16:35:24-04:00May 20th, 2022|Aging in Place, Dr. Cheryl Greenberg|

Sing a Song

What a great thought for spring 2021! We are looking for ways to feel happy and engaged while still coping with pandemic concerns and rules. How about singing? If music is not a big part of your life, consider this: Singing familiar songs reduces stress [...]

2022-08-17T16:25:38-04:00March 12th, 2021|Dr. Cheryl Greenberg, Wellness|
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