

Continuing Care Retirement Communities’ Payment Options

In today’s article I address a common question about retirement communities. Specifically Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC) which some call Life Plan communities. The question varies but is around which financial plan is best for me or us. CCRC’s are generally available as either: [...]

2024-02-12T08:27:27-05:00February 12th, 2024|A Parting Word - By David Ammons|

You Don’t Have To Do It Alone

Moving can be stressful, but there are a number of resources available so that it doesn’t have to be. Those who have a team of professionals working together to get someone from a home to most likely a much smaller apartment in a senior living community are the residents who are set up for success. The professionals below can make selling your home, packing and moving to a senior living community a much less tedious task. [...]

2023-11-08T18:18:57-05:00November 8th, 2023|A Parting Word - By David Ammons|

Autumn Health and Safety Checklist for Seniors

Now is the perfect time for older adults who are aging in place to focus on their safety, health, and wellness. The following autumn health and safety checklist for seniors could help you prepare yourself and your aging loved one for the changing season. Conduct a home safety check. There are many things you can do to make your home safer for aging in place. Some are simple things, and some may include slight home modifications. [...]

2024-02-29T17:00:39-05:00November 8th, 2023|Home Care & Home Health, Tina Glenn|

How Exercise Benefits Mental Health

Exercise has been shown to have many health benefits, both physical and mental. However, when people think about health, they often only consider the physical aspect. As a result, our goals for exercising are often focused on improving our physical health. But ask anyone who has been exercising regularly and they will tell you how physical wellness isn’t the only benefit of exercising. [...]

2023-11-08T17:39:03-05:00November 8th, 2023|Fitness, Prince Deese|

Coaching for a New Stage

A NEW STAGE OF OPPORTUNITY AND STRENGTH. Creating a fulfilling future can seem difficult. We run into obstacles. We are unsure about how to move ahead. We need guidance and support to create a "new stage of opportunity and strength" that may involve relocating, deciding to retire, finding new creative outlets, volunteering, and planning adventures. This is where a life coach for seniors comes in. [...]

2023-11-08T17:23:09-05:00November 8th, 2023|Dr. Cheryl Greenberg, Planning for the Future|

Tell Them You Love Them

Three words we want to hear are “I love you.” Three words families don’t want to hear are “Long term care.” These are three words that many families learn the hard way when a loved one’s extended care event begins. Long term care is assistance provided because of their inability to perform activities of daily living due to an illness, injury, or progressive, sudden, cognitive impairment such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. [...]

2023-11-08T17:04:20-05:00November 8th, 2023|David Haynes, Insurance|

The Third Act

When Jane Fonda celebrated her 60th birthday, she took stock, seeing her life in three acts. She decided that getting older was not "pathology" or a downward plunge. Getting older, she said, was "potential." Adding years brings "us into wisdom, wholeness, and authenticity." She suggests a life review for a wise Third Act. Today's mature adults want to be active and engaged, exploring and experiencing. [...]

2023-07-24T18:28:50-04:00July 24th, 2023|Dr. Cheryl Greenberg, Planning for the Future|

The Benefits of In-Home Care for Military Veterans

Home care services can be an important support system for military veterans, offering personalized care and assistance in the comfort of their own homes. There are numerous benefits that home care provides to veterans, ranging from increased independence and improved overall well-being, to enhanced social connections and specialized care. [...]

2023-07-24T16:11:09-04:00July 24th, 2023|Home Care & Home Health, Tina Glenn|

Advice: What You Say Matters!

I am honored to write a few thoughts about extended care planning each quarter. The objective of my column is to equip you, the reader, to prepare for an unannounced health event leading to a short or long term care event that could potentially have huge consequences to your retirement plan. Sometimes it’s only one reader whose comments make it all worth the effort. [...]

2023-07-24T16:08:34-04:00July 24th, 2023|David Haynes, Insurance|
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