

Three Words Families Want to Hear … “I Love You”

"Long term care" - Three words that can change a family forever. Long term care is not a place. It's an event that can happen to anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Long term care is assistance provided to loved ones because of their inability to perform activities of daily living due to an illness, injury, or progressive, sudden, cognitive impairment such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. [...]

2023-06-04T19:05:26-04:00May 26th, 2023|David Haynes, Insurance|

Health Benefits of Gardening for Seniors

Gardening offers many health benefits. In addition to helping seniors enjoy the outdoors and fresh air, gardening provides opportunities for increased physical activity, and it can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. That's just the beginning when it comes to the health benefits of gardening. Here are other advantages to getting your hands dirty. [...]

2023-07-24T16:26:55-04:00May 26th, 2023|Home Care & Home Health, Tina Glenn|

Inflation & Staffing – Trying Not to Panic

I hope not to overwhelm the reader of this article with statistics and examples, because the impact of cost increases in both inflation and staffing vary by location, type of community, and management decisions. Over my 37 years of involvement in the retirement community industry, I thought I had learned not to let a few events or factors cause panic. But the reality of inflation’s impact to tangible purchases [...]

2023-06-04T19:06:22-04:00February 14th, 2023|A Parting Word - By David Ammons|
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