

Home is the Safest Place for Our Elderly During this Uncertain Time

Home is the Safest Place for Our Elderly During this Uncertain Time. We believe that home remains the safest place for our elderly population right now. Elderly people and those with underlying medical conditions are especially at risk and are most susceptible to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). [...]

2022-08-17T16:03:53-04:00April 24th, 2020|Home Care & Home Health, Tina Glenn|

“It’s Coffee Time”

Interesting Fact: The tiny slit opposite your sipping hole on the coffee cup lid is a 1980’s creation that allows proper airflow preventing splashes and liquid surges as you drink avoiding scalding yourself. That tiny unnoticed idea placed for a reason is to assist your drinking pleasure. A properly designed long term care plan [...]

2022-08-17T15:56:09-04:00April 8th, 2020|David Haynes, Insurance|
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