Feature Articles


Forsyth County Works to Meet Needs of Changing Demographics

With nearly a quarter of the state’s residents expected to be age 60 or older by the year 2030, Forsyth County took an important step to become a better place to live for people of all ages. In June, the county applied for the World Health Organization’s status of “age-friendly” by joining the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities. The AARP [...]

2021-07-23T13:23:55-04:00October 28th, 2018|Resources|

Overcoming Hurdles in Healthcare

Brenda Planes Former Social Work Department Head at Abbotts Creek Center, Brenda Planes sees an opportunity to go the extra mile to impact the senior community. Through her launch of Elder & Wiser, Planes is able to continue her passion of helping caregivers, families and seniors navigate the challenges of elder care. “Dad, we received your test results.” Doctors [...]

2020-11-05T19:26:14-05:00October 28th, 2018|News & Information, Senior Care Management|

Hospice Care Organization Changes Name to Trellis Supportive Care

North Carolina’s first nonprofit hospice organization, Hospice & Palliative CareCenter, founded in 1979, changed its name September 1 to Trellis Supportive Care. Staff and stakeholders wanted a name that stands apart from other hospice providers and that reflects its mission of providing supportive care to patients and families. “Our care has always set us apart, and now our name [...]

2019-01-28T19:54:18-05:00October 28th, 2018|News & Information|

Shepherd’s Center Sponsors Moving Meditation

What happens in the body that causes aging? Scientists have discovered a fundamental process of aging in our cells that occurs on the strands of our DNA. This discovery, which won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 2009, is important to our everyday life. Why? The reason is we now know the speed of aging can move faster or slower, [...]

2019-01-28T08:11:57-05:00October 27th, 2018|Resources, Wellness|

Novant Health Rehabilitation Hospital Opens

Novant Health and Birmingham, Ala.-based Encompass Health held a grand opening celebration on Sept. 26 for its new, freestanding inpatient rehabilitation hospital, Novant Health Rehabilitation Hospital, an affiliate of Encompass Health. The hospital will begin caring for patients on Oct. 8. Located at 2475 Hillcrest Center Circle in Winston-Salem, the rehabilitation hospital has 68 private patient rooms including one [...]

2019-01-28T08:05:00-05:00October 27th, 2018|Medical Providers, News & Information|

“Long-Term Care”–Three Words that Can Forever Change a Family

Three words families want to hear are “I love you.” Three words families don’t want to hear are “long-term care.” But these are words that many families learn the hard way when a loved one’s extended care event begins. Long term care is assistance provided to loved ones because [...]

2022-08-17T15:57:23-04:00October 27th, 2018|David Haynes, Insurance|

Triad RRG – Fall 2018 Issue

View the Digital Magazine In this issue... The cool days of fall are to be embraced if you live in the Triad because Fall is one of our most beautiful seasons where activities abound. It’s a particularly good time to rediscover the great downtown offerings in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and High Point - where a host of entertaining and educational [...]

2019-01-29T14:12:18-05:00October 24th, 2018|2018 Issues|

Triangle RRG – Fall 2018 Issue

View the Digital Magazine In this issue... The cool days of fall are to be embraced if you live in the Triangle because Fall is one of our most beautiful seasons where activities abound. It's a particularly great time to rediscover the great downtown offerings in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. A host of entertaining and educational options abound [...]

2019-01-27T18:46:21-05:00October 23rd, 2018|2018 Issues|
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