Feature Articles


Triad RRG – Summer 2018 Issue

View the Digital Magazine In This Issue... The Wall Street Journal recently reported that folks entering their retirement years face a problem: they’ve forgotten how to have fun. This group, according to the article, has spent the past many decades raising kids, paying off mortgages and showing up for work and, in the meantime, forgotten how to relax and [...]

2019-01-27T17:45:49-05:00July 10th, 2018|2018 Issues|

Guilford County: An Age-Friendly Community

With nearly a quarter of the state’s residents expected to be age 60 or older by the year 2030, Guilford County took an important step to become a better place for people of all ages. The County recently applied for the World Health Organization’s status of “age-friendly” by joining the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities. The AARP Network of [...]

2021-07-23T13:28:35-04:00July 9th, 2018|Resources|

Series on Aging Well Begins

The Forsyth Public Library has partnered with the Sticht Center for Healthy Aging in a  12-month community-wide educational initiative called "The Aging Well Series". World-class experts are sharing insights and tips at the library monthly at 6 p.m. on how to live the best life, with a focus on body and brain health.  For more information, please call 336-713-BEST (2378) [...]

2019-01-04T16:13:15-05:00July 6th, 2018|News & Information|

Thinking about Choosing a Retirement Community?

I have been pondering the question of how one chooses a retirement community, so I started where, I am told, most folks start to look for a retirement community – the Google search engine. What I find interesting is that the search phrase “How to Choose a College” provided over 15.4 million results [...]

2019-09-12T15:08:52-04:00July 5th, 2018|A Parting Word - By David Ammons|

Triangle RRG – Summer 2018 Issue

View the Digital Magazine From the Publisher... The Wall Street Journal recently reported that folks entering their retirement years face a problem; they’ve forgotten how to have fun. This group, according to the article, has spent the last many decades raising kids, paying off mortgages and showing up for work and, in the meantime, forgotten how to relax and [...]

2019-01-27T17:55:57-05:00July 5th, 2018|2018 Issues|

Simpson Receives Senior Service Award

The Rev. Dr. Michael D. Simpson is the first recipient of the annual Senior Service Award, presented by the Winston-Salem Chronicle for outstanding contributions to the older adult community. He was honored March 24 in a ceremony at the Lawrence Joel Coliseum. Simpson began his work with senior adults as a young pastor in the late 70s. He has continued [...]

2018-04-23T17:12:31-04:00April 23rd, 2018|News & Information|

Triad RRG – Spring 2018 Issue

View the Digital Magazine In this Issue... Downtown Greensboro will be athrob with writers and readers in mid-May as 70 authors mix and mingle with thousands of readers in the city's first literary festival. Fred Chappell, Greensboro's own poet laureate, will open the festival May 18 in Weatherspoon Art Museum on the UNCG campus. The following three days will [...]

2019-01-27T17:19:04-05:00April 8th, 2018|2018 Issues|

North Carolina Aging Expert Joins AARP

Doug Dickerson, State Director,AARP North Carolina North Carolina aging and caregiving expert Mark Hensley has joined AARP North Carolina as Associate State Director for Community Outreach and Advocacy in the Triad. Hensley previously coordinated North Carolina’s Alzheimer’s and dementia services for the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services, where he led efforts to [...]

2021-07-23T13:29:56-04:00April 2nd, 2018|Resources|

The Importance of Balance

Seniors, look again! Is everything in order? You might have balanced your checkbook and paid off the balance of open accounts, but if you're weak on your feet and struggling on the stairs, you may have neglected the one most significant part of staying independent...good physical balance. Good balance [...]

2022-08-17T16:50:36-04:00April 2nd, 2018|Fitness, Prince Deese|
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