Feature Articles


Triangle RRG – Spring 2018 Issue

View the Digital Magazine From the Publisher... There are big changes underway in the Triangle housing market for the 55+ set. The Triangle continues to get top-ranking on “Best Places to Retire” lists annually. And it’s easy to understand why. Our climate is wonderful…truly four distinct seasons…and none better than spring. Our equidistance from the coast and the mountains [...]

2019-03-29T16:34:45-04:00April 2nd, 2018|2018 Issues|

Free Exercise for the Mind

If you are 65 or older, the North Carolina General Assembly has authorized a free gift for you...auditing courses at all of UNC's constituent institutions and community colleges, if space is available. Legislators have authorized the UNC Board of Governors to establish rules permitting seniors 65 years of age and older to take advantage of this tuition-free opportunity by submitting [...]

2019-01-03T15:23:49-05:00January 22nd, 2018|Resources|

Wake Forest University to Host Aging Symposium

Wake Forest University is seeking submissions for DEAC talks (Ted-style talks) and poster submissions from a variety of perspectives for an interdisciplinary symposium on Aging Re-Imagined on the Winston-Salem campus. The symposium will focus on four themes: Mind, Memory, Mobility and Mortality, that inform how we age and think about aging. Poster abstracts that are accepted may be edited until [...]

2018-01-22T23:03:40-05:00January 22nd, 2018|News & Information|

Shepherd’s Center of Winston-Salem – 31st Annual Used Book Sale

Volunteers are working diligently in the Shepherd’s Center book processing center in Winston-Salem, dividing 150,000 plus books into categories and affixing point-price stickers for the annual Used Book Sale. Scheduled May 3 – 5 in the Education Bulding at the Winston-Salem Fairground, the bargains are unbeatable, the cause is meaningful and all proceeds (more than $50,000 last year) go to [...]

2019-01-02T17:27:30-05:00January 22nd, 2018|Arts & Culture, Resources|

State Honors North Carolinians

Six North Carolinians received the state’s highest civilian honor, the North Carolina Award, presented by Governor Roy Cooper on November 9, in a ceremony at the Raleigh Marriott City Center. They are, left to right, James H. Woodward of Charlotte for Public Service; Governor Cooper; Philip Freelon of Durham for Fine Arts; Margaret Donovan Bauer of Greenville for Literature; Jane [...]

2018-01-15T23:24:47-05:00January 15th, 2018|News & Information|

Shepherd’s Center Has a New Look

The big news at the Shepherd's Center Winston-Salem is the changing format of its lifelong learning program, Adventures in Learning, by the Vital Living Program Committee. The new courses will run for six weeks at a very reasonable cost with no annual fee to participate in the program. Courses will be held at Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church, 3543 Robinhood [...]

2019-01-02T17:25:57-05:00January 12th, 2018|Resources|

Big Belly Fat…Be-gone!

Prince Deese Prince Deese, an All American Wrestler, a Hall of Fame Football Player, and a State Champion Body Builder, is a certified personal trainer and strength conditioning specialist. Prince Deese and Gina Deese own A.C.T. by Deese, a Fitness & Training Center in Greensboro, NC. Visceral fat (big belly) is linked to many health issues which plague both young [...]

2022-08-17T16:50:49-04:00January 11th, 2018|Fitness, Prince Deese|

Triad RRG – Winter 2018 Issue

View the Digital MagazineIn This Issue...Time past and time present meld in this issue of the Triad Guide, beginning with Reynolda, the country mansion Katharine Smith Reynolds envisioned 100 years ago. Reborn as a museum 50 years ago, today it has welcomed more than a million visitors who come to view its widely praised collection of paintings and graphic art.The [...]

2019-01-27T17:06:22-05:00January 8th, 2018|2018 Issues|
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