Feature Articles


Meals on Wheels – “More Than a Meal”

Elizabeth was looking forward to her retirement years until she had to have both legs amputated beneath her knees. Rose is dealing with the effects of crippling rheumatoid arthritis and cannot cook for herself. Mike’s wife died. She cooked and helped him manage his heart condition. Now he is alone. The stories could go on, but the reality is that [...]

2019-01-03T16:06:20-05:00September 11th, 2017|Resources|

Salute to the Age of Elegance

Rose Recio of Pinehurst was named Ms. Senior North Carolina in the annual pageant held in Owens Auditorium in Pinehurst on April 22. More than 200 from across the state attended the event which seeks to enhance the image of women 60 years of age or better. Receiving awards were the four ladies pictured here (l-r): Judy Summerlin, Autryville, 2nd runner [...]

2017-08-15T22:45:17-04:00August 15th, 2017|News & Information|

Greensboro Resident Heads NC AARP

Dr. Catherine Harvey Sevier of Greensboro, recently named state president of AARP North Carolina and its 1.1 million members, brings an extensive background in clinical nursing and health affairs to her new position. As founding Executive Director/COO of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), Dr. Sevier helped develop clinical guidelines for cancer treatment worldwide. Previously, she served as cancer program [...]

2021-07-23T13:30:27-04:00August 15th, 2017|Resources|

Food for Body and Spirit

Greensboro ministers participated in a special Mobile Meals delivery in March. Jill Aventosa-Brown, associate pastor at West Market Street United Methodist Church, describes her experience. At the end of March I had the privilege of riding with one of the dedicated volunteers for Greensboro’s Mobile Meals. We had 18 stops, most of them single, but some were for two members [...]

2017-07-06T15:54:36-04:00July 6th, 2017|News & Information|

Volunteers Recognized for Extraordinary Service

"Stay active” Dr. Stephen Kritchevsky told 200 volunteers at a rainy-day luncheon March 21, sponsored by Shepherd’s Center of Winston-Salem. Dr. Kritchevsky, who is Director of Winston-Salem’s Sticht Center for Healthy Aging, offered specific advice on how older adults can live a healthier, more fulfilling life. Volunteer, develop strong social connections, exercise and eat a healthy diet were also part [...]

2017-07-06T15:47:24-04:00July 6th, 2017|News & Information|

Exercise: The Panacea for Aging

Prince Deese Prince Deese, an All American Wrestler, a Hall of Fame Football Player, and a State Champion Body Builder, is a certified personal trainer and strength conditioning specialist. Prince Deese and Gina Deese own A.C.T. by Deese, a Fitness & Training Center in Greensboro, NC. A.C.T.’s “senior fitizen” award goes to John Berg, as he once again returns home [...]

2022-08-17T16:51:17-04:00July 5th, 2017|Fitness, Prince Deese|

AARP Donors Help in Hurricane Recovery

Doug Dickerson, State Director,AARP North Carolina This spring the United Way of North Carolina received more than $125,000 in AARP contributions to help support its free help line NC 2-1-1, an information and referral service accessible via an easy-to-remember, three-digit number. Families and individuals were able to call that line to obtain free and confidential information on health and human [...]

2021-07-23T13:30:40-04:00July 5th, 2017|Resources|

Triad RRG – Summer 2017 Issue

View the Digital Magazine In this Issue... Cheerwine flowed freely May 18 when a crowd of 30,000 joined a parade in Salisbury, its birthplace 100 years ago. Still family owned and operated, the burgundy-hued soda, sometimes called “North Carolina nectar,” is gaining popularity well beyond Tar Heel's borders. Moravians arriving in the Piedmont in 1753 brought with them a [...]

2019-03-29T18:21:09-04:00July 3rd, 2017|2017 Issues|

Triangle RRG – Summer 2017 Issue

View the Digital Magazine In this Issue... Get out the swimsuits, the beach chairs and grills….it’s Summertime! In this issue we’re helping you with whatever avenue you choose to enjoy Summer. If you plan to stay in North Carolina for vacation, check out the Visit NC article, showcasing all the fascinating places you can visit. If remaining home is [...]

2019-03-29T17:43:06-04:00June 24th, 2017|2017 Issues|
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