Feature Articles


Donations Help Hurricane Recovery

Doug Dickerson, State Director,AARP North Carolina This spring the United Way of North Carolina received more than $125,000 in AARP contributions to help support its free help line NC 2-1-1, an information and referral service accessible via an easy-to-remember, three-digit number. Families and individuals were able to call that line to obtain free and confidential information on health and human [...]

2021-07-23T13:36:43-04:00June 15th, 2017|Resources|

Bringing Harriet Tubman to Life

Diane Faison Diane Faison, clothed in mid-19th century garb, wanders through the audience, breaking the hushed silence with “I am the spirit of Harriet Tubman.” Her audience begins to enter another world… the 19th century world of the underground railroad leader, her childhood in slavery, her dream of freedom, and finally, her life as humanitarian/Union spy. Diane Faison as Harriet [...]

2017-05-21T13:51:21-04:00May 21st, 2017|News & Information|

Triad RRG – Spring 2017 Issue

View the Digital Magazine In this Issue... The Greensboro Historical Museum holds many treasures, but none are more historically interesting than the 140 rifles in the Murphy Collection, the largest collection of Civil War long arms in the world. The exhibit will be dismantled come summer, but the museum plans to keep a small display on permanent display. North [...]

2019-03-29T16:07:14-04:00May 15th, 2017|2017 Issues|

Conversations Bring Residents Together

Senior Services and Forsyth Futures in collaboration with other local community partners held a series of community aging conversations last month to bring seniors, caregivers, professionals and other interested parties together to share their views and perspectives on aging in Forsyth county. The gatherings were fashioned after the world café-style of community feedback model, which allows for the rapid collection [...]

2017-05-08T17:09:29-04:00May 8th, 2017|News & Information|

Training for Happiness

An introductory session of a Happiness Training program was sponsored by the Shepherd’s Center of Winston-Salem on March 28 at its Ebert Street offices. The untapped possibilities within, waiting to be discovered, are part of its Art of Living’s Happiness Training. Its purpose is to gain a greater vision of who we are through a technique called Sudarshan Kriya®, a [...]

2017-05-08T17:06:08-04:00May 8th, 2017|News & Information|

Triangle RRG – Spring 2017 Issue

View the Digital MagazineIn this Issue...Spring has sprung and we couldn’t be happier! Although this winter wasn’t bad at all, especially compared to what the north received, there is nothing like those fresh flowers blooming to pick us up out of the winter blues. In this issue, we are providing you some ways to get out and enjoy this gorgeous [...]

2019-03-29T16:20:11-04:00April 20th, 2017|2017 Issues|

Fighting Identity Theft and Fraud

Doug Dickerson, State Director,AARP North Carolina All too often, North Carolinians are falling prey to scams and cons that are threatening both our financial and retirement security. The North Carolina Department of Justice (NCDOJ), just one of many state agencies handling consumer fraud complaints, received nearly 66,000 reports of identity theft and fraud according to recent information compiled by the [...]

2021-07-23T13:36:57-04:00April 20th, 2017|Financial Planning & Money Management, Resources|

Don’t say “Yes” – Just Hang Up

Sometimes all a crook needs from you is one word – “Yes.” With a tape recording of your voice saying it, a scammer can add charges to your phone bill or take other actions to steal your money. And when you protest that you never authorized the charges, that “yes” can make it harder to get the charges removed. The [...]

2017-04-20T18:01:00-04:00April 20th, 2017|News & Information|

Cohousing: A New Way to Age Well

Quality of life as we age is optimal when we are part of a community of friends. To promote community living, a new concept in housing for seniors is sweeping the country. It’s called Cohousing, a word derived from collaborative cooperative housing. Oakcreek Community in Stillwater, Oklahoma Imagine a small neighborhood village of 25 to 30 individually owned homes clustered [...]

2017-04-20T17:32:44-04:00April 20th, 2017|News & Information|
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