Feature Articles


Add an App to Simplify Life

Emilee Collins Emilee Collins, SRS, SRES® NC Broker/REALTOR® of Real Estate by Design in Durham and Orange Counties Recently I was working with a retired couple facing significant medical concerns. My clients were like other Baby Boomers experiencing challenges resulting from a move to unfamiliar surroundings. They would be visiting new shopping areas, visiting different doctors, taking new medications, experiencing [...]

2017-04-20T17:28:29-04:00April 20th, 2017|News & Information|

Salisbury Confederate Prison Symposium

By Ed and Sue Curtis Soon after North Carolina seceded from the union on May 20, 1861, the Confederate Government sought a location for a military prison. Property in Salisbury was chosen near the railroad and an abandoned cotton factory, houses and wells. The renovation of the buildings and construction of a stockade fence had begun when the first prisoners [...]

2017-01-09T21:40:53-05:00January 9th, 2017|News & Information|

The Problem of Distracted Drivers

Earle Bower headed his Manhattan advertising agency prior to moving to North Carolina. The News & Record recently reported that distracted driving caused by cell phones is getting worse every year. Despite a major effort by police, the very dangerous practice is “infuriatingly widespread.” The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported a sharp 7.2 percent increase in total traffic [...]

2017-01-09T18:34:15-05:00January 9th, 2017|News & Information|

Elaine Mason: Volunteer Extraordinaire

Elaine Mason Elaine Mason has been an exemplary volunteer docent at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh for 28 years and counting, serving more than 6,700 hours since beginning as a docent in 1988. Her innovative ideas and steady support mean a great deal to the museum staff since volunteers go through an extensive training period and must [...]

2017-01-09T16:12:31-05:00January 9th, 2017|News & Information|

Aging with Purpose: Shepherd’s Center

When Sam Matthews retired in 2000 from Wachiovia (now Wells Fargo), retirement wasn’t part of his vocabulary. Having served on the board of a number of nonprofit organizations as a bank vice president, he thought that working for a nonprofit agency might be a good way to nourish his desire to serve. Sam Matthews “The Shepherd’s Center was looking for [...]

2019-01-02T17:25:11-05:00January 9th, 2017|Resources|

Aging with Purpose: A 35-Year View

Winston-Salem is a mecca for seniors of all stripes. It’s where Arnold Palmer, Richard Petty, Governor Beverly Perdue, and other celebrities have delivered Meals-on-Wheels to the homebound. It’s where Mayor Allen Joines keeps up with senior matters in a monthly meeting with seniors, and Shepherd’s Center and Senior Games are thriving institutions. Richard Gottlieb Senior Services, Inc., and its [...]

2019-01-02T17:23:09-05:00January 9th, 2017|Resources|

Triad RRG – Winter 2017 Issue

In this Issue... Senior Savvy. That’s the impression one gets when viewing Winston-Salem’s senior calendar of events. There’s Senior Services which sponsors 38 programs and services for the senior population. And Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem with programs all over the city as well as in its Ebert Street office. And Parks and Rec’s Senior Games which involve a [...]

2019-03-29T16:14:57-04:00January 3rd, 2017|2017 Issues|

Triangle RRG – Winter 2017 Issue

In this Issue... New Changes for You…  We are excited to announce some changes in this issue… and in issues to come! To service you better, we are broadening our editorial content on people, local events, and companies to introduce who, and what, is in your backyard. Our “Getting To Know You” section will feature a local resident who [...]

2019-03-29T16:13:10-04:00January 2nd, 2017|2017 Issues|
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