Feature Articles


Triad RRG – Fall 2016 Issue

View the Digital Magazine In this Issue... Bears and snakes, bees and poison ivy, wood nettles and hypothermia… nothing deterred Kevin Adams from preparing the third edition of North Carolina Waterfalls for John F. Blair Publishers. More than 250 waterfalls are included… from Maggie Valley and Cherokee to the Uwharrie Mountains near Asheboro. And what better time than fall [...]

2019-01-23T15:13:36-05:00September 26th, 2016|2016 Issues|

Triangle RRG – Fall 2016 Issue

View the Digital Magazine A Letter From the Publisher We’re Growing... We are pleased to welcome aboard Kim Westbrook-MacDonald who joined Carmen Varnell on the staff of The Triangle Retirement Resource Guide in July and is already putting her mark on the magazine. Kim is returning to the workforce after a sabbatical to raise her daughter Madison. Her work [...]

2019-01-23T15:26:39-05:00September 23rd, 2016|2016 Issues|

Giving Time to Others

Lauren Bush Lauren, founder of Feed, a nonprofit focused on hunger, has volunteered in soup kitchens and homeless shelters across the country. A granddaughter of George H.W. Bush, she has some suggestions for volunteering. Use talents. Volunteer according to your strongest aptitude. If you are an artist, teach an art class to children who might otherwise not have access to [...]

2016-07-22T21:06:37-04:00July 22nd, 2016|News & Information|

New CEO at Winston-Salem’s Senior Services – T. Lee Covington

By Jo Dawson T. Lee Covington sings the praises of Senior Services in Winston-Salem with the voice of experience. As its new Chief Operating Officer, he oversees the daily operations of Senior Services as it continues to spread its wings. Covington’s roots are deep in Alamance County. Born and raised on a dairy farm in Mebane, he majored in business [...]

2019-01-03T16:17:36-05:00July 22nd, 2016|Resources|

Susan Meny Receives NCAOA Award

Susan Meny, Vital Living Program Director of the Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem, was recently selected by the N.C. Association on Aging to receive their 2016 Guiding Star Award. This award honors an individual for their dedication and skills in the management of programs that benefit older adults and recognizes the quality of their work in the community. Meny joined [...]

2016-07-21T22:57:25-04:00July 21st, 2016|News & Information|

Beware of Smartphone Scams

The forecast that more than 1.5 billion smartphones will be sold worldwide in 2016 means more mobile mayhem since scammers love smartphones. Spam. Some 70 percent of smartphone texters say they receive unwanted spam messages; studies show people are three times more likely to respond to spam received by cell phone even though more than a quarter of text-message spam [...]

2016-07-20T15:37:50-04:00July 20th, 2016|News & Information|

Buying Fresh in the Triad

Greensboro Curb Market501 Yanceyville St.Greensboro NC, 27405; Saturdays6 a.m.–noon; also Wednesdays (May-December) 7 a.m.–2 p.m.www.gsofarmersmarket.org Piedmont Triad Farmers Market2914 Sandy Ridge Rd.Colfax NC, 27235Guilford County Office: 336-605-9157Mon–Sat 6 a.m.–6 p.m.www.triadfarmersmarket.com Downtown Farm Market505 N. Greene St.Greensboro NC, 27401336-210-1947Open Mon–Sat Old Mill of Guilford1340 Highway 68Oak Ridge NC 27310336-643-4783www.oldmillofguilford.com Kernersville Farmers Market134 East Mountain St.Kernersville NC 27284Open May-Octoberwww.kernersvillefarmersmarket.com Cobblestone Farmers MarketCorner [...]

2016-07-19T20:34:57-04:00July 19th, 2016|News & Information|

Oldest Boomers Ready to Retire

The first group of Baby Boomers, those approaching 70 years of age, are myth-busters (no connection to the popular Australian television show of that name). The title comes from The Met Life Report on the Oldest Boomers which says the earliest Boomers aren’t necessarily working ’til they drop as once predicted. The national survey was conducted between Novemebr and December [...]

2016-07-19T18:48:53-04:00July 19th, 2016|News & Information|

Shepherd’s Center of Winston-Salem: Vital Living

Older adult activities and programs at the Shepherd’s Center of Winston-Salem have changed dramatically over the past five years. Much of this transformation is a reflection of the growing interest in alternative medicine, in integrative approaches (recognition that body, mind, emotions and spirit are intimately connected) and in self-healing. These programs, centered on new understandings of well-being and healing, herald [...]

2019-01-02T17:27:45-05:00July 18th, 2016|Resources|
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