Home Care & Home Health

Taking Care of Mother

By:  Wayne Abraham, Executive Director, Personal Care Inc.  When cold weather comes and families gather for the various holidays, they have a chance to visit with parents whom they may not have seen for a while. Talking to them on the phone is good, but most likely, when you ask how they are doing, you get the, “I’m fine.” Answer, [...]

2019-01-01T17:01:09-05:00February 10th, 2012|Home Care & Home Health|

Men Assume Caregiving Role

By:  Debra Grant, Tender Care, Inc. Mom and Dad are getting on in years and aren’t quite as sharp as they once were. Mom broke her hip last year, and Dad can drive no longer. You would like to do more, but you live 2,000 miles away with a family of your own. Situations like this are becoming increasingly common. [...]

2019-01-01T17:16:10-05:00January 6th, 2012|Home Care & Home Health|

Hospice and Quality of Life

By:  Paul Russ, Vice President of Marketing and Development at Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro My father was a stubborn man. He had a passion for crossword puzzles and golf, and little patience for anything that interfered with these two pastimes. I remember visiting him for the holidays after he became ill. Things seemed pretty normal, except for the [...]

2019-01-01T17:13:11-05:00January 4th, 2012|Home Care & Home Health|

Choosing the Best Non-Medical Home Care

The vast majority of seniors, almost nine out of ten, prefer to stay in their home and age in place. This can place a burden on family members. In-home care from professionals can help make this desire a reality. Most in-home care companies offer a broad array of services to improve the lives of seniors and lessen the stress of [...]

2019-01-01T17:02:09-05:00October 13th, 2011|Home Care & Home Health|

How To Remain at Home

By:  Guide to Retirement Living Staff Home care includes a wide variety of services-from skilled intravenous therapy to snow shoveling-all provided to individuals in their homes or in an assisted, nursing, or hospital facility. Home care often supplements the care individuals receive in a hospital or facility; 25% of the care we classify as home care is actually performed in [...]

2019-01-01T17:14:57-05:00April 22nd, 2010|Home Care & Home Health|

How To Find Long-Term Care Assistance with an Ombudsman

By:  Guide to Retirement Living Staff What is an Ombudsman and How Can They Help Me? Ombudsman is a Swedish term for a person who acts as an impartial third party in resolving problems. An Ombudsman can assist consumers who are choosing long-term care providers (nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, retirement communities, adult day care programs, and home care agencies) [...]

2019-01-01T17:14:38-05:00April 1st, 2010|Home Care & Home Health|

Home Health Care

Helping Seniors Maintain Their Independence Are you or a loved one struggling with health issues that are making it harder to remain at home? Are you looking for care to help you recover from surgery or an injury? Do you need help with household chores or activities of daily living? Is managing a long-term illness becoming more difficult? Home Health [...]

2019-01-01T17:12:53-05:00April 1st, 2010|Home Care & Home Health|

Choosing a Hospice Care Provider

By: American Cancer Society Once you have decided that Hospice is the right care option for you or your loved one, there are a number of issues to address before choosing a specific program or provider. The best way to find a quality hospice provider is through a recommendation from a friend, family member, or health care professional-such as a [...]

2019-01-01T17:11:48-05:00March 24th, 2010|Home Care & Home Health|

End of Life Care: Sound Therapy for Hospice Patients

By:  Theresa V. Wilson Facing the Inevitable Once family members overcome their disbelief, shock, and anger about the pending end of life for their loved one, they often seek opportunities to demonstrate caring, to eliminate stress, and provide a peaceful environment. Focus becomes seeking ways to express love, and listening and intervening for patient comfort, while fighting feelings of denial, [...]

2019-01-01T17:12:29-05:00March 24th, 2010|Home Care & Home Health|

How To Feel Safe at Home with Personal Response Systems

By: Guide to Retirement Living Staff A personal response system (PRS), sometimes called a PERS (personal emergency response system) answers the need of many older Americans for both security and independence. Many organizations, including the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), encourage their use, but for the consumer choosing from among the many brands on the market, buying a PRS [...]

2019-01-02T18:00:31-05:00March 24th, 2010|Aging in Place, Home Care & Home Health|
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