Staying Fit & Healthy


Losing Weight by Simple Steps

If you dream of being the same size you were in high school, don’t rush. Setting small, realistic goals are less painful and will get the scale moving in the right direction. Begin by setting a goal of five to ten percent of your weight. Give yourself some flexibility to reach that goal, keeping in mind that it takes most [...]

2013-10-02T19:07:20-04:00October 2nd, 2013|Fitness|

Medications Can Affect Balance

All drugs carry side effects and can interact with other medications, affecting balance and increasing your chances of taking a fall. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, common problems include vision changes, dizziness or lightheadedness, drowsiness, and impaired alertness or judgment. Some medications may damage the inner ear, spurring temporary or permanent balance disorders. Some of the [...]

2019-01-02T16:18:26-05:00September 30th, 2013|Wellness|

A Testament to Wellness Training

Prince Deese Prince Deese, an All American Wrestler, a Hall of Fame Football Player, and a State Champion Body Builder, is a certified personal trainer and strength conditioning specialist. Prince Deese and Gina Deese own A.C.T. by Deese, a Fitness & Training Center in Greensboro, NC. Some people exercise to lose weight. Others exercise to look buffed and beautiful or [...]

2019-01-14T19:46:17-05:00September 25th, 2013|Fitness|

Can exercise make you smarter?

Prince Deese Prince Deese, an All American Wrestler, a Hall of Fame Football Player, and a State Champion Body Builder, is a certified personal trainer and strength conditioning specialist. Prince Deese and Gina Deese own A.C.T. by Deese, a Fitness & Training Center in Greensboro, NC. The physical benefits of regular exercise are widely heralded; however, gauging its effect on [...]

2019-01-14T19:45:15-05:00September 25th, 2013|Fitness|

Beat Allergies and Enjoy Summer

By Dr. Eric Kozlow, allergist with Cone Health Allergy and Asthma Center of North Carolina Dr. Eric Kozlow, a board certified allergist with Cone Health Allergy and Asthma Center of North Carolina, practices with Drs. Bardelas, Bhatti, and Hicks in Greensboro, High Point, Asheboro, and Reidsville. For various reasons, some people have an immune system that overreacts to certain substances [...]

2019-01-02T16:21:06-05:00August 29th, 2013|Wellness|

A Health Problem Women Don’t Discuss

Dr. Bradley E. Jacobs, a physician at Lyndhurst Gynecologic Associates in Winston-Salem, is the Medical Director of the Program for Continence and Pelvic Floor Disorders at the Maya Angelou Center for Women’s Health and Wellness at Forsyth Medical Center. For more information about urinary incontinence and pelvic floor health, call 336-718-4260. From scouting out every restroom in the workplace, to [...]

2019-01-05T15:22:39-05:00August 29th, 2013|Wellness|

Obesity and Heart Disease

Heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States for both men and women, does not discriminate. This fact holds true for most racial/ethnic groups including African Americans, American Indians, Alaskan natives, Hispanics, and Caucasians. Risk factors include inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

2013-08-28T23:39:45-04:00August 28th, 2013|Wellness|

This is Your Heart on Brain Drugs

By Mary Lide Parker Two serious conditions: Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease. Could they be prevented with the same drug? What happens when you have a heart attack? It’s alarmingly simple—part of your heart muscle just dies and just as they can’t bring back the dead, doctors can’t bring back dead parts of the heart. “We don’t have the ability [...]

2019-01-03T19:30:34-05:00August 28th, 2013|Wellness|

Save Money and Eat Healthier

Coupons and weekly promotions at the grocery store can save money on food, but the big problem is, they only work on items that may not be particularly good for you. Two simple rules of thumb for eating healthier: First, make more than half of the food you eat plants, and second, if it comes from a factory, eat it [...]

2019-01-03T16:43:20-05:00August 20th, 2013|Wellness|

Obesity: Numbers That Count

Anthony Viera is an associate professor and Charles B. Wilkerson, MD ’06 Distinguished Scholar in the Department of Family Medicine and director of UNC’s MD-MPH Program, coauthored the review of research on calorie information in menus. They also coauthored the study of physical activity menu labeling which appears in the journal Appetite (March 2013). As a next step, Viera is [...]

2019-01-02T16:17:41-05:00August 19th, 2013|Wellness|
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